5 master tips for improving your sales funnel

5 master tips for improving your sales funnel

Sep 13 , 2018

Without a steady stream of leads in the pipeline, your sales cycle is inconsistent and unreliable.
Optimizing your sales pipeline decreases the risk of weak sales funnel.

Top 5 Master Tips For Improving Your Sales Funnel:

1-Segment your customers:
Identify your average and best customers, what they need from you and what you provide to them.

2-Assess your offerings to your customers:
Ask why your customers continue to choose you over your competition. If you’re not looking to these differences in your sales process, quality leads might not make it down your sales funnel.

3-Be ready to adjust (re-change):
The only way to maximize the effectiveness of your sales efforts is to constantly adjust to your prospects’ and customers’ needs.

4-Take advantage of the power of sales metrics:
Only your sales database and CRM tells you what’s going on with your prospects – and boils it down to an exact science. As much as conversations with customers and prospects inform you about your efforts, only your data tells you the real truth about what is and isn’t working.

Important metrics and indicators that you should be tracking and analyzing on a consistent basis as:
• Total number of contacts currently available
• Number of contacts needed now and in the future, based on the absorption rate of your contact list
• Average length of your current sales cycle versus your desired planned cycle.

5- Nurture your prospects:
Don't give up on your leads. If they provided their email or phone number, it's likely that they have interest in your products or services. However, you may have to nurture them by sending monthly email newsletters, targeted email broadcasts, ….

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